The main links on the Figures page will show plots from a single experiment. Results are not filtered. Within these pages, clicking on a figure will display a larger version. The figures are arranged with rows representing variables and columns representing plot types. Only results from modelling groups that have submitted and agreed to share their results are displayed. Short forms for variable, plot types, models and experiments are as follows:.
Variables (rows on a plot page):
- SAT = global surface air temperature
- OHU = ocean heat uptake
- RAD = estimated externally specified radiative forcing
- SLR = global sea level rise
- AMOC = Atlantic meridional overturning index
- EMIT = diagnosed or specified emissions
- CO2 = atmospheric CO2
- TCARB = total model carbon
- OCARB = ocean carbon
- LCARB = land carbon
- A = absolute representation of variables (left)
- R = anomolies relative to a time average (middle)
- M = anomolies relative to the multi-model mean (right)
- MN - multi model mean (black)
- B3 - Bern3D (University of Bern, CH)
- C2 - CLIMBER2 (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, DE)
- C3 - CLIMBER3a (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, DE)
- DC - DCESS (Danish Center for Earth System Science, DK)
- FA - FAMOUS (University of Reading, GB)
- GE - GENIE (Open University, GB)
- IA - IAP RAS CM (Russian Academy of Sciences, RU)
- I2 - IGSM (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US)
- LO - LOVECLIM (Universite catholique de Louvain, BE)
- ME - MESMO (University of Minnesota, US)
- MI - MIROC3-lite (University of Tokyo, JP)
- ML - MIROC3-lite-LCM (Research Institute for Global Change, JP)
- SP - SPEEDO (Netherlands Centre for Climate Research, NL)
- UM - UMD (University of Maryland, US)
- UV - UVic ESCM (University of Victoria, CA)
- H_AGG - (exp. 4): historical additional greenhouse gas forcing
- H_ALL - (exp. 4): historical all forcing
- H_CO2 - (exp. 4): historical CO2 forcing
- H_CTR - (exp. 4): historical Control
- H_LND - (exp. 4): historical land-use change forcing
- H_ORB - (exp. 4): historical orbital forcing
- H_SOL - (exp. 4): historical solar forcing
- H_SUL - (exp. 4): historical sulphate forcing
- H_VOL - (exp. 4): historical volcanic forcing
- F_ALL - (exp. 4): historical all forcing free CO2
- F_CTR - (exp. 4): historical control free CO2
- F_NAT - (exp. 4): historical natural forcing free CO2
- CCN_2 - (exp. 5.1): CO2 concentration commitment RCP2.6
- CCN_4 - (exp. 5.1): CO2 concentration commitment RCP4.5
- CCN_6 - (exp. 5.1): CO2 concentration commitment RCP6.0
- CCN_8 - (exp. 5.1): CO2 concentration commitment RCP8.5
- CEM_2 - (exp. 5.2): CO2 emission commitment RCP2.6
- CEM_4 - (exp. 5.2): CO2 emission commitment RCP4.5
- CEM_6 - (exp. 5.2): CO2 emission commitment RCP6.0
- CEM_8 - (exp. 5.2): CO2 emission commitment RCP8.5
- CCL_2 - (exp. 5.3): CO2 climate commitment RCP2.6
- CCL_4 - (exp. 5.3): CO2 climate commitment RCP4.5
- CCL_6 - (exp. 5.3): CO2 climate commitment RCP6.0
- CCL_8 - (exp. 5.3): CO2 climate commitment RCP8.5
- CL_2 - (exp. 5.4): climate commitment RCP2.6
- CL_4 - (exp. 5.4): climate commitment RCP4.5
- CL_6 - (exp. 5.4): climate commitment RCP6.0
- CL_8 - (exp. 5.4): climate commitment RCP8.5
- IRa_2 - (exp. 5.5a): decrease to PI CO2 in 100 years RCP2.6
- IRa_4 - (exp. 5.5a): decrease to PI CO2 in 100 years RCP4.5
- IRa_6 - (exp. 5.5a): decrease to PI CO2 in 100 years RCP6.0
- IRa_8 - (exp. 5.5a): decrease to PI CO2 in 100 years RCP8.5
- IRb_2 - (exp. 5.5b): decrease to PI CO2 in 1000 years RCP2.6
- IRb_4 - (exp. 5.5b): decrease to PI CO2 in 1000 years RCP4.5
- IRb_6 - (exp. 5.5b): decrease to PI CO2 in 1000 years RCP6.0
- IRb_8 - (exp. 5.5b): decrease to PI CO2 in 1000 years RCP8.5
- IRc_2 - (exp. 5.5c): free CO2 RCP2.6
- IRc_4 - (exp. 5.5c): free CO2 RCP4.5
- IRc_6 - (exp. 5.5c): free CO2 RCP6.0
- IRc_8 - (exp. 5.5c): free CO2 RCP8.5
- 2X - (exp. 6): instantaneous doubling of CO2 then hold fixed
- 4Xa - (exp. 7a): instantaneous quadrupling of CO2 then hold fixed
- 4Xb - (exp. 7b): instantaneous quadrupling of CO2 then free CO2
- 4Xc - (exp. 7c): 1% to quadrupling of CO2 then hold fixed
- 4Xd - (exp. 7d): 1% to quadrupling of CO2 then free CO2
- 4Xe - (exp. 7e): 1% to quadrupling of CO2 then hold fixed (radiatively uncoupled)
- 4Xf - (exp. 7f): 1% to quadrupling of CO2 then hold fixed (biogeochemically uncoupled)